Kitt created a topic of December

What? In the world? The story itself had smth great going for it I honestly would've preferred if it dragged by like true beauty the ending felt si rushed an inconclusive

Kitt created a topic of Love Shuttle

Bro this was an amazing story I was so so invested I binged it in 1 day
But to have his brother sa him and that doesn't get resolved whatsoever rlly rubbed me in the wrong way
His brother
His BROTHER . Like blood sibling assaulted him and ut was barely resolved. I love psychological ones but uts better when it's resolved in some way , the ending was a bit abrupt for the side couple I hope there's more about them
Absolutely adored the main couple
The SIDE couple wasn't as good but it's mainly bc it was shorter and not enough expansion so a lot of plot holes where left open
The psychological aspect was amazing I HATED his brother so bad it was genuinely good enough to give a whole side story of a different genre, it was great for a reading experience however it was so so so short and rushed I don't care as much for the kid but the side story left a bad taste in my mouth considering everything that happened and he never opened up to the Dr and instead denied anything even happened, it would've been great to see more in depth emotional balance, like the brother breaks down next to Dr and he's flustered and offered some other form of comfort than sex for such a great side story there's alot left unanswered considering it wasn't meant to be a perfect love story.
Before anyone gets me wrong I WANT to see a good ending for the brother just as much as anyone else but the lack of expansion killed me because if marketed to the right readers it would've had so much potential, the brother had such deep emotional scarring the healing process would've been a great read, the Dr wasn't ... yh that's not it his lack of communication and expression to how he actually felt was so well written that I was genuinely mad and in dislike for him then for such a deep past to get solved in less than a chapter it's genuinely such a shame to see such great writing not get a full story. Perhaps you could see that black haired brother simply didn't want the youngest to go through the same emotional turmoil he did hence the overwhelming protective behaviour , the middle brother was so mentally unwell I genuinely questioned what I was reading after he forst touched him up 'there's an alpha right here' I genuinely hoped it wouldn't be a love triangle between them but to see everything that's emotional get fixed through sex? Wasn't my cup of tea for the genre the writer seemed ri be going for
HOWEVER. This may have happened bc of the genre for the main plot and not wanting tk stray the readers into a psychological despite the fact they wanted to read smth light HENCE why I wish they expanded into a second series rather than 20 chaps of rushed things

Kitt followed a list
Kitt followed a list

Just some straight smut/ romance i enjoined. i may give scores but i probably wont give detailed reviews becuz im lazy :3.

Also i like nishida's hentais but i cant find them here so have a link:

*And this one :

10 01,2025
Kitt answered question about question
Swamped with exams I thought I prepped well enough for (I didnt) currently 15 on the prowl for a job (uk) want to start a yt channel or smth and get like moderately big like reach 100 k and stop ab there I haven't even applied to 6th forms or college yet ts tiring me out wtf This is genuinely my guilty pleasure not a single human being knows I'm a......
Kitt created a topic of Negative Love

Yk what hell yeah

Kitt like the answer
I've said before he's special to me. Hypnotism sex . Daddy dom take control over me but also he's weak sniveling and pathetic. He has forever been my hear me out.
Kitt like the experience about have sex
did sex for the first time as an adult and wow. i thought i would be disappointed because im a porn addict and thats supposed to mess up your brain and expectations. But it was a lot of fun even if i didn't have an insane orgasm or anything. i would like to do it again and im less nervous about seeking it out now that ive gotten it over with.
Kitt created a topic of Meshinuma

this man will acc have me drooling over my screen violently rubbing myself all St the thought of him eating? I think it's the teeth yall his TEETH okmds come etp ACC let me EYP I'm gonna peg this man do sure anyways who wants a fanfic

Kitt answered question about lmao
I'm sort of a spiritual person and around the tike my dad died there were constant nightmares and paralysis just before I went ti sleep then the worst one a had was playing some sort of 2d game but I'm a character and I was poor right so we had 3 lives pere year to play this game and it was on the roof tops of sky scapers it was incredibly odd ther......
Kitt created a topic of Waterside Night

I feel like I missed a chapter or something like that because why is there like so many references to random things that I have no clue or recollection of ever seeing within this like manhwa

Kitt created a topic of Kabukichou Bad Trip

Whoever is translating this please keep going it's so good

Kitt created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

mums if i see anything ab this on tt or smth im acc reporing it bc no way is 1 or 2 people being stupid and showing off illegal websites going to stop my reading??/ LIKE WHO R U

Kitt created a topic of Peach Sorbet

Im acc so pissed off with moa and yujin NOT YURA its so unfair eveythinv thats happened bc moa like yujin yh but she said she would syop and then she didbt but she wad already hookinh uo with yura who began to like her but shes still to hunh up on yujin who she SAIS she wpukd get over and THEN when yura makes a mives shes a little cubt but when yujin does it shes head over heals honestly she doesnt deserve yura and yujin doesnt deserve her he has his own problems with that craxy directors daughter so much so moa was even effected by it ontop of that he ACCEPTED yuras call on moas phone when they was in the cabin AFTER THE 2 OF THEM DIDNT SHOW UP TO HIS MATCH THE GINALS AND YRA WAS LOSING BV OF MOA and let yura hear moa moaning his BROTHERS name

Kitt like question

I remeber reading this one manwha with a girl who was a virgin and lied ro her friends ab not being one at like some rype of a get tgthet and she made up sone guy who she acc met latee on and they acc DID do it I DONT REMEBER YHE NAME HELP

Kitt asked a question

I remeber reading this one manwha with a girl who was a virgin and lied ro her friends ab not being one at like some rype of a get tgthet and she made up sone guy who she acc met latee on and they acc DID do it I DONT REMEBER YHE NAME HELP

Kitt like topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

After reading the raws, now I fully understand why his bestfriend is very protective with him. No wonder


Kitt add manga to list READ

[By: Nostalgic Scan] The intelligent Hong Danwoo who also is an introvert, has a secret that’s...

  • Author: Chaegu
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Comedy / Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons