I feel like I missed a chapter or something like that because why is there like so many references to random things that I have no clue or recollection of ever seeing within this like manhwa
Well go on the presentation page of this story (where you find the description, the photos etc.) you’ll see toward the bottom all the chapters uploaded, there are many uploader making things messy!
But there are 82 chapters (look like the extreme bottom and when you reach chapter 77.5 at the extreme top until chap 82), these are the « official ».
I wish they deleted the repetitive upload to make things easier for everyone. Anyway good luck finding your path
Im acc so pissed off with moa and yujin NOT YURA its so unfair eveythinv thats happened bc moa like yujin yh but she said she would syop and then she didbt but she wad already hookinh uo with yura who began to like her but shes still to hunh up on yujin who she SAIS she wpukd get over and THEN when yura makes a mives shes a little cubt but when yujin does it shes head over heals honestly she doesnt deserve yura and yujin doesnt deserve her he has his own problems with that craxy directors daughter so much so moa was even effected by it ontop of that he ACCEPTED yuras call on moas phone when they was in the cabin AFTER THE 2 OF THEM DIDNT SHOW UP TO HIS MATCH THE GINALS AND YRA WAS LOSING BV OF MOA and let yura hear moa moaning his BROTHERS name
Yk what hell yeah