Kelp asked a question

Can someone recommend something similar to AISHA? I binged it recently and I'm waiting for new chapters to drop

Kelp created a topic of AISHA

This story is very beautifully made. The art is stunning and I like that the characters are complex and not one-dimensional. Aisha is so unapologetically herself, and her love for her sister is palpable. Aida is a character I very much sympathize with, and it's a bit sad to see how some readers judge her the same way her step-mother does; it just goes to show that the author did a great job at portraying the way outsiders view victims when they're not "perfect." Overall, I love the twins and how close they are despite their differences, I hope they get a better ending this time around.

I also really like Sein, I think as far as MLs goes, he's as swoon worthy as they come! I appreciate that they show his flaws during his worst moments, but also make sure we know his strengths. I've read many stories where they try to portray troubled men and just make them total assholes until the very moment they fall for the FL, which causes them to switch up immediately. Those kind of stories can be really frustrating because they feel so forced. I think the way Sein was written is a lot more realistic. It's clear he's been interested in Aisha since he met her pretty much, but he still has many issues that have hurt their relationship over the years. Despite this, his love for her is just one of those things that is never questioned, and I do like that he acknowledges that his past actions are what led to her distrust of him in the first place, and that he's actively trying to show her a different side of himself to change her perception of him.

I can't wait to see what other changes the author makes!

Kelp asked a question

Please help me find this manhwa!!! The protagonist is a girl with dark greenish hair I believe. She's poor, and dresses like a boy to work as a shoe shiner on the streets (she wore some prosthetic makeup to hide her face and make it look like she has scars). While working, she overhears a nobleman talking about how he plans to find a girl and pass her off as his sister in order to deceive someone (idk if it was the king or someone else).

She then interrupts him, and tells him that if he takes her with him, she can pretend to be his sister. Since he wasn't convinced, she takes off the prosthetics to show him that she's a girl (and a very pretty one at that), and he eventually agrees.

I read it on some other site, and I don't remember the title :( Please let me know if you recognize it!!

Kelp created a topic of Waterside Night
Kelp created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

I really want to like these side couples, but Robert and Sauvour have zero chemistry with their partners. *Especially* Robert and that princess; he literally leaves every interaction looking confused or unimpressed lol. Sauvour's a little sweeter, but his girl is obviously just a female version of Robert, so I can't take her seriously at all

Kelp created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

LMAOO he literally admits he likes her because she reminds him of Robert. Just let those dudes be together this is ridiculous

Kelp created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

Omg idek how to feel about these new pairings :/ Lucy and the knight were super cute, but i'm not so sure about Souver and Robert with these new ladies. I was so confident Souver and Robert were going to end up as a couple lol, they had way too much chemistry. Seems like a waste to throw it away ;;;;

Kelp created a topic of Waterside Night

why does the dad lowkey look like taeju

Kelp asked a question

Hey, so a while ago I read a shoujo manhwa and I don't remember too much about it. I think it was a reincarnation type story.

The MC was some sort of noble lady and she had a male servant (with teal hair iirc) who was really devoted to her. I think in her original life he wasn't much help to her (I believe she originally died after being imprisoned for something), but in the second one he's super loyal. The servant got some sort of disfigurement on his face at one point.

I'd appreciate any help in finding it!!

Kelp created a topic of Into the light once again

Does anyone know when the official translations of season 3 will release?? I really want to keeo reading it but the current season 3 fan translations suck so bad

Kelp created a topic of Into the light once again

I'm not super invested in the romance yet bc the issue with Elmire needs to be resolved first, but I'd prefer if Veon was the ML. So far it's pretty obvious that we're supposed to be favoring Luminas (and I'll admit, some of his scenes with Aisha were convincing me a bit), but I still think it'd be best if he remained as an aloof, unattainable entity. Veon and Aisha ending up together just makes more sense to me in the long run (even Ysis agrees lol!!)

Kelp created a topic of Semantic Error

I appreciate that they cleared up their misunderstandings but isn't this ending kind of underwhelming?? What happened to Jaeyoung's family? I thought they were going to do something with them. Like they just dropped that he had a twin and then never mentioned it again

Kelp asked a question

hii so I read a romance manhwa a few months ago and I totally forgot the title. It was about a girl and a guy who got married and lived very happily for a few years until she died of some sort of illness. After dying, she reincarnates back into her body, but a few years into the past, and decided to remarry her husband once more because she loved him so much.

Once they meet in the new life, he doesn't have any memories of their past life, but he's still drawn to her and eventually marries her again. It was super wholesome and there wasn't really any drama as far as I read, idk if it's been updated since. Please help me find it

Kelp answered question about question
Depends on the quality of the fan translation. If it's done by a good scanlation group, I'll probably stick to it and just read the official one later on to see how it compares. If it's one of those trashy machine translations though, I'll completely avoid it until it gets an official release
Kelp created a topic of Sweet Spot (se yang)
Kelp created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge

Uhhh a sex tape AND drugs??? This is probably going to end badly... for Seong-rok that is

Kelp created a topic of Love Shuttle