heekkie created a topic of Our Sunny Days

omg that was so intimate i feel like i’m intruding they’re so cute

heekkie created a topic of Love on My Terms

why didn’t he end up with joonyoung this is so silly

heekkie created a topic of Rivalry
heekkie created a topic of My Suha

siwoo basically says no and that dohyeok needs to fix his personality and be better person. dohyeok is packing up to leave and finds a scarf (?) and wants to return it to siwoo. when he finds siwoo he’s with another guy, they lock eyes and siwoo deliberately kisses the other guy because one of them has to give up. end of season

heekkie created a topic of My Suha

siwoo basically says no and that dohyeok needs to fix his personality and be better person. dohyeok is packing up and finds a scarf (?) and wants to return it to siwoo. when he finds siwoo he’s with another guy, they lock eyes and siwoo deliberately kisses the other guy because one of them has to give up. end of season

heekkie created a topic of The edge of ambiguity
heekkie created a topic of Define The Relationship

lyle always has so much thoughts i wish he said them out loud more often

heekkie created a topic of Love Sick Dog

they compliment eachother so well

heekkie created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon


heekkie created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

it seems that the manhwa ends at chap 68 and after that it’s just side stories..

heekkie created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

y’all aren’t ready for the next chapters prepare your tissues

heekkie created a topic of Love So Pure

i forgot how good this manhwa was i’m sat here crying like a baby

heekkie created a topic of Codename Anastasia

another good story ruined by rape WHYYYY

heekkie created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

so when we back to the future

heekkie created a topic of Joseon Sex Shop
heekkie created a topic of Love and Roll
heekkie created a topic of Rivalry

is it bad that i just want the main couple

heekkie created a topic of Saturday's Master

i cant even read this anymore all these chapters have made me feel uncomfortable

heekkie created a topic of Love Sick Dog

they compliment eachother so well