Bruh wtf aren't levi like 40+ or some shit and eren is like 20?I DONT KNOW SHIT KAY BUT.S T O P this trash its disgusting ( ̄皿 ̄)凸

I meant an 19 year old DATING A A MAN WITH HIS MID 30's(34--36).have you watch aot?Did you even heard what isayama Said?you are saying a boy.a 19 year old boy and a man who is in his mid 30's is okay dating?Also read my comment carefully i said I DONT KNOW SHIT SO THAT MEANS IM NOT SURE WHAT IM SAYING YOU LOW ASS MOTHER FUCKER.
Fuck you lil shit

True true I did start it first by only saying I meant to dislike. Which I'm sorry if I offended you. BUT! you did not have to call me a bitch for nothing. That's just plain rude. and calling other people slut too... Bruh you could have answered in a more logical way to make them completely shut up. Calling ppl a slut just makes you look dumb cuz you can't come up with a comeback

I am deeply sorry about calling you Bitch and that is just rude and for theppl i called slut i know it was not necessary i got used to it and i embarrassed myself,yes i am dumb and i will take any insult even death threats i accept it and i hope you and the ppl i called slut forgive me my mind was blank at the moment and i know its not an excuse but please forgive me i will acept any insult,death threaths,hate,etc...Please forgive me
I'm beyond confused, I don't even understand the trope WHO IS WHO AND WHAT MAID ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT??? the name has changed I'm so confused