Where can I buy this manga in English? Because I was looking through amazon but I only found it french?
Hey, u can try searching at http://www.bookdepository.com .. it the only website i know that selling yaoi manga with eng sub
Ok I don't read this manga I waited for the anime but I do plan to read it but one question for the people who are up to date with this manga, do the twins have someone they like or something? Or do they get together (yeah the twins I just found it lovely).
Nope the twins aren't in love with anyone, and nether are they in love with you each other sexually, they are just twin brothers who care about their family and themselves. Although, one of the twins has shown that their are a bit possessive towards the other twin. But it's up to you how you want to decipher that... For me their interactions are brotherly, nothing beyond the line of sibling love.
Chapter 161 confirms that they are in middle school right now and I can't help but feel sad because we know what's going to happen and I feel we're getting closer and closer to that day.
didnt u see when the flashback started in the restaurant and xixi flat, he was wondering WHY he is friends with yi.
I'm pretty sure that 1-57 is them in high school except for xixi who's in college and Yi is in high school and then chapter 58 to now we been in flashback. I think we go back to the future once Yi disappears like he said he did on the first day of high school which is going to be sad considering how well they getting along.
Ok so I don't know if I'm just reading to much into this but I'm pretty sure that the person Kakei-kun likes is Wataru or at least thatsukaima the impression I got from their conversation and now I'm here fangirling all over the place and if it turn out true oh boy they are going to jump all the way to number 2 (the otaku couple is my #1) of my favorite couples of this manga.