i think the undertaker was the person helping "ciel". remember that thing that the undertaker did to ciel in his sleep and they collected his blood. and they wouldn't introduce an arc about bringing back the dead for no reason.

yep, i think youre true and maybe undertaker is the one who bringing trueCiel to live because if you guys remember when undertaker cried over vincent photo and said that the head of phantomhive is still there.. maybe he means that he going to revive trueCiel because ourCiel is the fake one..and I really wonder if ourCiel is really named Ciel or he had other name since sebastian laugh at ourCiel when ourCiel said that his name is Ciel and sebastian said that -you told me not to lie but yourself is a liar- so maybe ourCiel name is something that Yana didnt revealed yet so I really got excited for new chapterss(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Pfft! I didn't need to sleep anyways!! this was worth staying up till 12 am to read.

Same here. XD

Stayed up to 2am to read this at 12am i finished reading kitto kiss o suru toki
this manga is so perfect!! I wish i had a relationship like they all do!
I say this to myself everytime i read horimiya...i wish i had people like this around me and such typr of relationships with thwm <3