On a harsh rainy day, a high school student without any particular special skills, Usato Ken got dra...
- Author: Kurokata,Kugayama Reki
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Seinen / Harem
Frieren is a member of the hero's party that defeated the demon king. Both a magician and an elf, th...
- Author: Yamada kanehito,Abe tsukasa
- Genres: Adventure / Demons / Drama / Magic / Slice of life
Hunters are a special breed, dedicated to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other me...
- Author: TOGASHI Yoshihiro
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Shounen
The story is set in the modern day, except people with special powers have become commonplace throug...
- Author: Horikoshi Kouhei
- Genres: Action / Comedy / Fantasy / Shounen / Supernatural