I'm reading this again 3 years after the first time I've read it. It's a great comic,
just like the first time, I've got really mad at Aerak's story. I hate Heeno, that blonde guy SO MUCH
I hate what he did to Aerak.
Until today I just can't understand how they end up together. This is so (??????)
Like, how you're gonna fall in love with someone who called you an animal just because you were fat?
This doesn't makes sense to me at all!

okay, my anxiety increased because of this.
this is really good and also bad, I REALLY hope it doesn't transform into a romaticized abusive relatioship, but instead, a good thriller and in the end the serial killer dies a really painful death. That's all.
I could really feel the mc's fear and frustation about his plans not working, the storytelling is great and made me feel nervous and wanting to read more.
The sex scenes wouldn't even be necessary because of the good plot, but I guess this is a plus to who enjoys it?
well, I'm not the kind of person who easily tolerate bloody scenes, because I get really anxious. But until now, the story is paying off, even if my stomach gets a bit irritated. hahahaha (⊙…⊙ )
slow burning? what the hell, sure
This Btch be hella raw