he had ONE CHANCE to make everything right (in the world of manhwa) AND FUCKED IT UP LIKE BRO CMON, I’m not saying we just gonna forgive and forget but we all know that’s how these story’s go JUST RIP THE BANDAGE OFF
I’m sorry but even if you still felt that way with her MAYBE JUST DULL IT DOWN A BIT WITH UR CURRENT GF?? MAYBE A “ofc she wouldn’t give you that idea” AND END IT WITH THAT GET THE FFFUUUUCK OUT OF HERE TYLER
I want a big ass man in full armor to be at my beck and call too wtf life isn’t fair why wasn’t I just born in a manga
The snu snu is hot and all but this is two much atp last snu snu was barely a couple of chaps ago and even then the snu snu scene was like 4 chaps long
They look so cute when they are blushing and all shy like why couldn’t this be the beginning of the story WE WERE ROBBED OF A SWEET STORY WITH A SAD BACKSTORY WE DIDNT NEED ALL THIS R@PE AND DR¥GGING
I’m pretty sure she means she started her week and omfggg if this shit happened to me irl I would actually crash out so fucking hard like I would km$ fr
Time to skip these next chapters cuz I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABT THEIR PAST nothing will make me feel bad for them tf
Ik she means sleep in the same bed but im currently screeching ripping my shirt off like a gorilla