Abhi May 24, 2024 11:35 pm

It is being done by babyrubysoho scanlation group!

Abhi May 24, 2024 10:06 pm

I still felt sad, shed some tears but I couldn’t take this manga too seriously and it was not just because of the tragic ending. Just that the original felt so complete. It didn’t feel lacking in any sense.

Therefore it feels a little bizarre, it’s almost like reading a novel and you have reached THE END. And then the author is like…oops no no I am going to write an epilogue. And in the 10 page epilogue for her 300 pages well-written masterpiece she suddenly kills off one of the main characters.

I have nothing against tragic endings. In fact the mangaka has handled it well here as well. At the same time I disliked how it did not feel organic, as a writer it is important to not force plot devices to create intentional emotions of shock and sadness. It’s always easy to kill off characters and leave a deeper impact on the audience. But it also has to be believable and not so intentional. Also, I feel sadness can be invoked in so many other more subtle ways that can be deeply impacting. In fact Nitta Youka has that ability in plenty. I have read the og manga 10+ years back yet I still recall the scenes from the earthquake, the panic, the relief, their insecurity, Iwaki San’s deep seated fears, Kouta trying to match up with Iwaki San to become a more serious actor. Subtle, not in your face drama but so deeply impactful.

I remember starting the sequel when it initially released. I did not feeling like reading it at that time as well after skimming through the then released chapters. Because regardless of the ending, the sequel doesn’t hold a candle to the original in terms of how it impacted me as a reader!

Abhi May 24, 2024 8:47 pm

Leewon is such a badass. It made the story and his dynamic with Caesar so much more exhilarating (▰˘◡˘▰)
Also, surprisingly light hearted. I was perhaps able to handle the non-con better because the tonality of the entire story is not that serious or dramatic.

However the comments section surprised me. I wonder how today’s readers would feel about classic yaoi mangas like Maiden Rose (Hyakujitsu no Bara) or the Finder series!

    Monalisa May 28, 2024 3:47 pm

    Is this have a love triangle ? Or SA from thrid party in it ?

    UENOYA May 28, 2024 4:28 pm
    Is this have a love triangle ? Or SA from thrid party in it ? Monalisa

    None of that is there

    Monalisa May 29, 2024 9:30 am
    None of that is there UENOYA

    Oh hii .. thankyou (≧∀≦)

Abhi February 18, 2024 7:13 am

Saw a comment about the novel. And apparently volume 7 is an AU of Aerock not dying and what happens afterwards. Went to check on novel updates and indeed the novel has 7 volumes. I read the raws (but the raws are also till volume 5 I believe). I thought we only had three versions and the season 1 characters wouldn’t get a second chance with each other ever. But it is exciting to know that the author explores that version too. It’s like the author wanted to try all the different “what-ifs” of this tragic couple and their complicated entanglement with each other.

    gasha26 February 18, 2024 8:39 am

    omg i would love to see that

    Cannnnn February 18, 2024 10:36 am


    Amethystus February 18, 2024 3:24 pm

    Ridi has the whole series. I bought it a while ago. The what if chapters are so good. Sad but good.

Abhi February 12, 2024 3:31 pm

Taeyul’s “Don’t think my love for you wasn’t real” almost broke me. That was a beautiful line. My heart lurched.

My heart hurt for Mr.Yoon but it was a case of right person, but wrong time sort of thing for him. But it is truly a blessing in life to meet the kind of genuine love and emotions he had with Soohan even if it was for a short amount of time.

And lastly, I feel for my Soohan who loves with his everything, body and soul. I am happy he could meet somebody of the same intensity as him. Somebody who could reciprocate all that devotion in equals amounts.

It’s a story about love. The different ways in which all these people have loved and continue to love. But life is not perfect, the author tried to keep it realistic by ending it on a bittersweet note. Not everybody can get a perfect happy ending, sometimes it’s just a that’s how it is!

Abhi November 7, 2023 2:29 pm

I think the author chose to show the confession through a sex scene because so far in the series, every sexual encounter (especially of a penetrative nature) has been violent and non-consensual.

So, I feel the author’s intent was to take the same situation, same frame of event (that is, the act of having sex) and try to portray how things have changed for both of them.

Of course she could have also chosen to not go about it this way and could have played the scene differently. But this personally feels more in line with the characters to me (and also considering how those violent acts are seeped in the history of their relationship)

    Deedee November 7, 2023 11:47 pm

    There's a confession but the method felt no different from the last two times. Besides the kissing part, Nakwon just went with it only considering his own feelings and desire while Mokhwa looked confused, in distress and even in pain at the end. So how is this time better? Idk I feel like the author messed up a bit here. She made all Nakwon"s efforts to making amends for his past abuse look vain. I had big expectations for their 1st time and now idk anymore

    Abhi November 8, 2023 8:58 am
    There's a confession but the method felt no different from the last two times. Besides the kissing part, Nakwon just went with it only considering his own feelings and desire while Mokhwa looked confused, in di... Deedee

    I see what you’re saying but the act itself is not non-consensual considering Mokhwa is no longer on parole and is in fact much stronger than Nakwon. He is very much capable of stopping him if he disliked it. Nakwon genuinely regrets his actions (but he is not a saint, he never will be. He is a hedonist who has always done what he likes to do). So, it would be out of character for him to not give in to his desires and confess this way. That does not mean he doesn’t love Mokhwa, but this is who he is

    See what is Nakwon’s logic
    1) I love him, I desire him, I need to show it to him.
    2) if Mokhwa did not want it, he will stop me.

    So Nakwon’s conscience is clear, I am not doing this to harm him, I am doing this because I love him and if he disked it he would stop me so I am doing nothing wrong.

    Plus, I also think that this is not a flowery story in general. We should expect the author to keep things real.

Abhi October 12, 2023 2:30 am

Chapter 31
It’s interesting, Jinwoo says that he wanted Minjae to look at him with the same gaze as he looked at his artwork. i.e., he wanted him to admire him, not just his artwork.

I think this line is particularly important in context of what Colton says to him that he cares about the artist and not the art. Maybe this is what Jinwoo needs. He needs to know he is valuable too just by himself without his artwork. He has always been talented. His insecurity doesn’t lie there. It’s him, the individual that had been rejected

Chapter 34 Years back when Colton sees Jinwoo at the party, he says to Jinwoo “you are more memorable than your pieces” after seeing the way Jinwoo deals with that lecherous professor’s behaviour. (That left a deep impression on him)

It seems to be a theme of their dynamic. The artist without his art.

And I also think that another angle to Colton removing his name could have been because Colton didn’t want him to do the exhibition because it was part of their contract. And he wanted their relationship to be more than just a contract. So, he wanted to get rid of anything to do with the contract and organise a solo exhibition instead.

    Jassiefresh October 12, 2023 6:17 pm

    This is a really good analysis of what I think their relationships is about. I also agree that Colton didn’t want the foundation of something serious to be based off something so contractual. And I do think that jinwoo has major insecurities with rejection of himself and that kinda cause him to stop working on his art but we see with Colton and his relationship him being able to create again and that was probably do to Colton’s acceptance of him

Abhi July 16, 2021 6:48 am

Things I loved -
1. Asuka's character overall. Soft yet so beautifully strong (I love how she is good at work but knows what her heart desires. I would love that level of clarity for myself :P)

2. Ryu was lovely. I know many don't like him but I think he is a very realistically drawn character. A young ambitious news reporter who is amazing at his job. (A guy like this usually doesn't want to marry easily in real life also) And other than his career, Ryu did have a genuine reason for his initial aversion. He is not mean spirited or rude. No cold guy syndrome going on here.

3. They communicate (barring few exceptions)

4. I know everybody wants to sucker punch Kamiya (I am also waiting in Line). But I like how it all concluded. It was important for Asuka to realise with all her heart that it was not her dream (which Kamiya could give) that she wanted. But her dream with "Ryu" that mattered.

5. I like that Asuka let him go. Without that Ryu would have also not been able to come at a definite realisation. Like they say, "If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were." (tbh, in her situation. I would have done the same)

It is basically about both of them overcoming their personal belief systems and ideas to find a path to each other.

6. They were equals and had healthy relationship dynamics

Overall a great Josei!

Abhi July 5, 2021 5:27 pm

I don't remember the Seme ever saying "I love you" when I read it the first time long back. I just remember feeling a little unsettled after it then since Tanaka never seemed to really show any genuine and whole hearted affection towards Yukio. I randomly picked it up again today. And the story seems to have an extra chapter now which I don't think was part of the story earlier. Coz in the extra Tanaka does at least say the three words. It's not the biggest improvement to the first time but at least it's something

Abhi June 16, 2021 7:48 pm

I wasn't even aware of a prequel. So, as a standalone read for me, this is a pretty good story. And I liked it.
And from the comments I am aware of Masaki's prequel story, but I will choose not to read it since I want to maintain how I felt about this story. Thinking of this just as a standalone!!!

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