148 ch and no romance. The plot it plotting, the character development devoloped,, and I can’t be happier with the art and action sequences,
You don’t know how happy I was to see real manga panelsAnd not get flashed instead.
I see you were also flashed by some manga updates
Being excited a manga updated just to be flashed… (⊙…⊙ )
This person has no life, no brain, no nothing. Not a THOUGHT behind those eyes.Please stop embarrassing yourself.
Who did this, You have to lacking in decency, dignity, parents, a stable household, friends, any morsel of a social life, and a brain, to pull some shit like this.
I read this part from the novel and I can’t wait to see how they draw out his weapon and the entire scene omg I’m so excited I can’t wait
Fuck, that hurts
How does this somehow get overlooked and they have a stable relationship again?I’m just genuinely confused rn
I fucking love puppy seme.A.so, I need that helmet off ASAP.
The way every panel has you sitting on the edge, anxious, is AMAZING. Kinda mad that the guy from before didn’t help them though, but I understand it.
148 ch and no romance. The plot it plotting, the character development devoloped,, and I can’t be happier with the art and action sequences,