At the very least I understand Cain because he's a dog and dog are loyal asf I cant really have logic reason that but Yahwi... What the fuck are you doing Yahwi? Just why cant you be a normal person and just back off when somebody rejects you? This man is so entitled because of what? Whatever it is, he doesn't have the right to do anything that he is doing. Thinking about the confidence that he has when he walked into jooin's house uninvited and demanded answers from jooin as if they cheated on him is beyond me. Is it because he loves himself so much and he feels so great that he believe that someone as stupid as jooin would love him forever no matter what? And he just cant stomach jooin not loving him? I wish
And last but not the least, jooin. We have a word for this guy in the Philippines and it's called "marupok". To be fair, being "marupok" is understandable and perfectly normal in some ways. People be like that sometimes and it's okay, we understand that you love this person, love makes people do stupid things all the time. But this guy turns this concept to a whole new level. It's okay to be stupid for an amount of time but this guy is dragging it so much. Istg if he really wants to shake off Yahwi he should've disappeared from him, called the cops for harassment or whatever but what does he do? He freaking blushes whenever he's around even after all that guy's done to him. Absolutely zero respect to this man because this is just dumb and taxing so much.
I don't even know what the author is thinking about doing with this. I'm trying to make a webtoon myself and constantly thinking of toxic scenarios would kill me. If that person doesn't see any fault in this situation, they need therapy.
2021-07-15 07:35 marked
Everyone is shit