His fiancee is an absolute QUEEN for taking that the way she did I love her sm, the way she didn't try to get revenge or anything as well
I get wut ur saying but i can't agree with wut u said about "business wise she needed to" cus if it was business wise then she should've waited for her partner to decide it together, she can't just announce it without the other party because that will just cause more damage if something goes wrong and it did lol he came back and wanted to break off the engagement now she or he have to announce that they're breaking the engagement off wich will probably damage their image.
That's the point, it's their business, it's partnership, so she can't really decide for the both of them cause one wrong move and they can damage the business, especially since he run away 2 years ago, at that point, since it's only business and if she was desperate then she should've gotten engage with another son of the other company.
But let's admit it, she was interested in him as a person, not business wise and that's why she didn't got engaged to the other sons, she wanted him to come back, that's why she made it public, and that's the flaw that I'm trying to say, she didn't try to consider that maybe he run away because he was having a hard time or something, she only wanted him to come back and get married, doesn't matter his situation.
Thankfully she didn't burst in anger and jealousy when she found out that he have a girlfriend and handled the brother like a boss.
She still hasn't fully grown on me lol but we'll see if she have a character development and be a bad bitch that'll be an ally to our ml and fl, my hatred is focus only on the brothers lmao
Sorry I already forgot their names and the name of their company lol
I see your point, but I think it's normal for her to develop feelings for her fiance- after all, it was NEVER communicated to her that he would break things off, so she allowed herself to get attached. She gave him his space and time, and when he came back she assumed that he came back fine and ready to start things again where they left off. She didn't imagine that her fiance would come back with another woman he wants to marry... I admit that she was hasty with it, but can you blame her :( at least she didn't say anything and peacefully broke things off, plus she didn't let the brothers get their way and defended him too. I think that's where the difference lies- she's fully grown on me and I think it's actually the MLs fault for being so unclear with her. He didn't even stop to consider the fact that he's engaged- I think he should have cut things off before getting properly involved with FL (after all he still had the means to communicate with her and just chose not to). But I'm not putting all the blame on him either- the situation just turned out that way tbh and the ML did clear it up later. I just wanted to defend the fiance for being so chill and not imposing her feelings on others :)
Ok then, that's ur opinion lol she still hasn't fully grown on me that's why I can't agree on ur point but I guess we'll see in the next few chapters :) i just hope they don't make her a "villainess" or something cus I do see some potential friendship, and I'd like to see them crushing the brothers down.
Why tf was the guard guy smiling creepily I'm suspecting there's something wrong with him for sure