Because it's what society or our culture dictated about what "normal" should be for different genders. Like girls are supposed to be the "feeling" type so it's okay to show affection (just not too much affection) while guys need to uphold the "masculine" stereotype that they are cool and aloof. Or that girls are dependent on other people's company ...... reply
26, Filipino, straight female, fujoshi, single since birth, couch potato since birth, Grad student, semi-employed. I started reading yaoi last year (or was it 2 years ago?) because I ran out of shoujo and josei to read. And now that I've discovered heaven, I can't stop. (≧∀≦) 2 reply
I love being a woman. But there are times when I think it would be nice to be a man. I want to try having that careless freedom and cool demeanor. Do you ever think that way as well? And if you ever become a man, are you going to be seme or uke? Hehe.