It's a shame, been following the roughly translated novel and I really loved the premise of this and overall enjoyed this so much...I know a lot of people hate on this but I had a blast reading and I enjoy over the top corny MCs + superpowers and hidden OP MC? Sign me up!
But the updates were sparse and kept being delayed at the end of the season so I had a feeling this was gonna get dropped but I'm still sad.

I read the raws and this is such a gem!!
I love everything about it! The bottom is everything and their smut doesn't disappoint, they're all over each other and equally into it.
That's such a rare thing nowadays, it's mostly the top who is coming onto the bottom but I absolutely enjoy a fierce bottom who knows what he wants!
I'm so excited for the English translation!

I absolutely love the writing of this!
There's no awkward moments, the story makes sense, the dialogue is good and I like the personality of the MC so much!
This is one of those rare gems that 100% suit my taste! There is not a single thing I dislike.
Great pacing, amazing art and even the power struggle over his body with the demon is portrayed in such a great way!
Alright enough with the praise now :D

How this has such a high rating is beyond me, this is somewhat okay, VERY predictable, everything works out in the favor of the MC and besides him everyone is a pushover and bland for the most part.
There's not even shock-value bc the MC is the best at everything anyways so there's no conflict other than making him look the best.
But I like the military theme and that the MC is cocky, the story is lacking in many ways however.
I won't drop this for now but I'll just have to wait and see.

You're missing the point, I was never arguing with people to change their opinion, if you like it, that's good.
I just think that the rating is far too high for something average like this, I could understand if it has an amazing art style or complex story or just great characters but none of that applies. It doesn't need to be the "best shit" but for that rating, I was expecting more as I read other works that had a lower rating but much better stories and art. It's disappointing.
Although I'm hella suprised 10 people agreed with my comment, was expecting more downvotes lol
Sign me up!!
And the art is literally so damn pretty, wow.