kanyel0ver asked a question

i need reco where the ml is a loser for his partner

kanyel0ver created a topic of The couple breaker


kanyel0ver created a topic of Pure Love Operation

god i hate him sm but why tf hes so fine

kanyel0ver asked a question

can anyone reco me a decent korean historical rom manhwa? no smut if possible

kanyel0ver created a topic of Sam Plays the Game

i think sami n that one guy dynamic’s gonna be intresting but damn atp idm if them boys ended up tgt (⌒▽⌒)

ngl i thought this would be some bad plot smutty bs but suprisingly im hooked with the lore. this manhwa actually hv a pretty good historical drama n also the characters r well written too! one thing that i hate abt this manhwa is the crazy amount of the bitch n the king’s fuck scene. the author really knew how to pissed the reader off. also, love our fl sm ! i also hope well get more abt the teacher’s background lore. it seems like he was the crown prince(?) my assumption though but i love his character the most. i love how he didnt lose his mind n fuck the queen right away just bc hes horny. hes a well written chrcter imo idk bout yall but im really hooked.

kanyel0ver created a topic of The Fox Club

i literally skipped all of the drama just to read minu n onyu’s lore

kanyel0ver created a topic of Pure Love Operation

tf? i wouldnt even go back to my bf if he ghosted me in that period of time. i used to be on eunhyuk’s team but atm? i changed my mind. i wouldnt mind if sooae end up with dohwa afterall he deserves to be happy. even though some ppl wont like it since he suffered enough but lets be real its either him or eunhyuk.

that ginger guy is such a dick. i feel like he still love haesoo deep down but hes just bored atm. i cannot wait the moment he will beg for her to stay.

gibaek is a dick. he might hv the same feelings as fl but atp hes just playing with her. please i just hope fl will end up with cheong. i dont fuck with gibaek AT ALL

kanyel0ver created a topic of Finding Camellia

i marinated this manhwa too long it only had like 23 chapter back then. you know what time is it

kanyel0ver answered question about ending friendships
id but its way too corny if i see myself doing that shit so nah gotta pass
kanyel0ver followed thing

13 people did   /   0 want to do

25 02,2024
kanyel0ver answered question about question
might not be exactly the same they just have similar vibes but cigarettes after sex oh my god. i listen to them RELIGIOUSLY when im reading, sketching sleeping JUST EVERYWHERE. my fav song would be opera house which is around 5 min long and the whole song just gave hopelessly romantically vibes. i sometimes cry to their songs while having random co......
kanyel0ver asked a question

lately i feel uncomfortable reading yaoi or yuri. i used to be so obsessed reading them though. i dont mind wholesome or heartbreaking stories but straight up smut with no plot or fucked up smex scenes disgusts me. tell me am i recovering or getting worse?

honestly i want my man to be obsessed with me and not hiding it just like carcel. will i ever find a guy like him though ??

some of yall needa stop fetishizing bl. clearly, every guy in this manhwa is fucking shit why would franz still end up with one of them? fl changing the genre is fine for me. and how is it homophobic? they abused franz in the other life time

kanyel0ver answered question about question
im fine with fast paced stories but i hate unrealistic char developments THE BIGGEST ICK