Holyy! I need more overlord dj!! we're already at vol14 and I'm really hoping for his guildmates' appearance. In fact! because there are too much characters, I keep wishing for some to have their screen time! I want to see albedo and pandora's actor action! Omega and rubedo too!! there's just too many to pinpoint! I just love this masterpiece so much!!

unpopular opinion: sorry... I know alot of people root for suho and I don't want to cause hate to anyone but, I'm just not happy with his decisions. When he left her hanging for so long. He thought its the right thing and yes h suffered too but doesn't Jugyeong suffered the same? She also waited for many months too. I really like seojun. Despite everything he's been through, he is there for Jugyeong. I just hope he can be more open to her with his problems tho. And an impeding disaster is just around the corner with him being on a relationship and also with that senior( that fucker will most likely get back at him). I haven't read any spoilers but I just hope well for everyone here..

kidney dialysis is expensive too... what I do know is that once you start taking such treatment, you will continue it until you life draws out. The more severe, the more frequent you need the treatment.. the patient will also get thin and even their skin will turn dark... Its really scary especially when such patient is someone close..
I need spoilers pls