I came back here after 4 years and they still haven't updated. Lol. I don't even wanna hope anymore. This is just gonna be another unfinished heartbreak for me *cough cough* x1999 *cough cough* aegis.
Anyway, this one actually has a novel. Well, it's adapted from a novel. Lol. But the flow of the story seems really different. The novel is more graphic and the twin semes are equally disgusting and manipulative
I read the novel until ch 150 and all I can say is that Gu Yansheng is one stupid idiot and he doesn't deserve Wennian.
It's in Mandarin so I just used Google translate. The translation is definitely a little off but if you're curious what happens, it's good enough.
I was supposed to reply to you but I accidentally replied to my own post. Lol
It's in Mandarin so I just used Google translate. The translation is definitely a little off but if you're curious what happens, it's good enough.
Dude is having an internal crisis over there. The reason wny he approached joon is to build friendship with him. It's just that he fell for the mc along the way. He has always identified himself as a straight guy so he's still in denial. I don't think of him as a bad guy. He's just confused. Poor Joon though. He really likes yoon.