smaerd tsedliw March 7, 2021 9:59 am

So, in BL stories (i.e. manga, manhwa, films, etc.) substance VS art; which would you prefer and why? Of course, you can prefer both, I mean we all know that no story is perfect and no art is perfect but ideally having both would be amazing. Question is: which would impact you more as a reader/viewer? Or if you are a creator (author, writer, illustrator, artist) which would be more important to you? I'd love to hear ALL of your answers (。・ω・。)ノ♡

    claraliuu March 7, 2021 10:02 am

    id like to say story line but if the art is just too like uggo i cant read it ex. path to you orblood link

    YesButLikeNo March 7, 2021 10:04 am

    Hmm, ideally I would want both to be perfect but if I had to choose one, I would say that substance is more important for me. I used to be iffy if the art wasn't good, but after reading ouroboros, I really started to appreciating story, regardless of art. The art will definately impact me when I first see it, because I do judge a book by it's cover in a literal sense but at the end of the day, if the story is great and the art isn't I will still enjoy it alot. If the art is visually appealing but the story lacks quality, I will enjoy it much less obviously and may even end up not being able to finish it at all. This isn't just for BL either, this is for any genre. Hope I didn't misunderstand your question lol

    smaerd tsedliw March 7, 2021 10:07 am
    id like to say story line but if the art is just too like uggo i cant read it ex. path to you orblood link claraliuu

    hmmm ever thought you might have a preferred artstyle? I have preferences and yeah I know how it feels to judge something based on the art XD but there were times when I gave it a second chance and found out that the storyline is goooood :3 I thought blood link art is good ;_; (or is it bcoz i like muscular guys in BL haha)

    Sora March 7, 2021 10:07 am

    When i read/watch BL
    If the art is bad and story is good, i don't mind, and feel like my time was worth it...
    And if the art is pretty and story is shitty, then i feel like i wasted my precious time (in most cases)

    smaerd tsedliw March 7, 2021 10:09 am
    Hmm, ideally I would want both to be perfect but if I had to choose one, I would say that substance is more important for me. I used to be iffy if the art wasn't good, but after reading ouroboros, I really star... YesButLikeNo

    Nooo u understood it very well!!! Th4nks for answering btw. Have you read BL for a long time or read a whole lot of BL stories? I feel that through time or through reading so much, we eventually develop this need for reading stories with better substances and usually overlook art. Or is it just me???

    smaerd tsedliw March 7, 2021 10:12 am
    When i read/watch BLIf the art is bad and story is good, i don't mind, and feel like my time was worth it... And if the art is pretty and story is shitty, then i feel like i wasted my precious time (in most cas... Sora

    I guess most of us feel this way!! Th4nks for answring!! Are there some stuff that you've read or watched that even tho it wasn't great, you learned something from that experience of reading or watching it?

    inumaki March 7, 2021 10:12 am
    When i read/watch BLIf the art is bad and story is good, i don't mind, and feel like my time was worth it... And if the art is pretty and story is shitty, then i feel like i wasted my precious time (in most cas... Sora

    yooo that's exactly how it feels. it doesn't feel satisfying or like, worth it, at all when the storyline is just bland.

    Ambrosia March 7, 2021 10:18 am

    I don’t mind the art at all, if the story is good. I like different styles of art and find them all pretty charming.
    No matter how amazing some art is, I can’t read through if the story doesn’t interest me and usually end up dropping it. However I have powered through even blurry, low quality scans for a good story.
    For me, I read manga for the same reason I read books so I prefer substance, but I do still judge by art when initially picking out something to read.

    YesButLikeNo March 7, 2021 10:18 am
    Nooo u understood it very well!!! Th4nks for answering btw. Have you read BL for a long time or read a whole lot of BL stories? I feel that through time or through reading so much, we eventually develop this ne... smaerd tsedliw

    hmm, well I started reading BL... maybe 2 years ago? But I've only read around 280 BL mangas, which is alot for me but still pales in comparison to most readers on this site. Yeah, I think so as well. When I first got into the BL genre (especially yaoi) you could give me trashy stories and I'd still praise it as if it was a masterpiece. But after reading it for a long time, I've started to approach mangas with a standard and have been able to develop proper opinions on things. Like Window to Window, for example, I used to adore it but looking back, it was lacking in alot of aspects honestly.

    Sora March 7, 2021 10:20 am
    yooo that's exactly how it feels. it doesn't feel satisfying or like, worth it, at all when the storyline is just bland. inumaki


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