Carson answered question about get to know you
Carson answered question about be a dumb bitch
damn, ignorant much? there are people who have severe depression and have even killed themselves because of school, but go off
Carson answered question about have an unpopular opinion
learn English first before you start spewing shit
Carson answered question about what do you want in life
I'd rather be the fuck-er
Carson asked question about looking for a translator

Write down the first 10 users that comes to your mind. Randomly. You don't even have to be close with them, just do it.

Carson answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Carson answered question about have an unpopular opinion
It's all fun and games until
Carson answered question about test your personality type
so we're eating poop whenever we eat jelly beans? that's fucking lit, jelly beans never sounded so delicious.
Carson asked question about asking for the truth

is cereal a soup tho?

Carson followed a goer

Alt accoumt
Idk maybe im actually emily and i pretend to have beef with myself
I'm probably gonna delete this account since I have no use for it.

11 02,2021
Carson answered question about test your personality type
bro lemme join favourite shit is unicorn shit cuz that thing makes me halluncinate when I snort it. a. I shove shit up their asses b. naw, that's like asking will you ever stop breathing ('o')/
Carson asked question about go mad or crazy

sudoku makes me horny