Narcissistwhohatesmyself followed a list
07 11,2021
Narcissistwhohatesmyself followed a list

I didn't think this list would have so much followers. Thank you. For those who are asking if this list is active, yes its active. I'm just really picky.

What you'll basically see here:

Heroic Protagonist.
Trash Protagonist turned good.
Plain trash protagonist you can't help but like.
Villainous protagonist.
Cheat-like protagonist.

I'm biased with everything placed here since I read it all. I hope you like them too.

Credit to the original source.

16 09,2021
Narcissistwhohatesmyself followed a list

I can read these mangas many times! I rate them >9.5/10 based on my own preferences, so there will be lots of non-mainstream BL
Genres: NO PWP, no doujinshi
Length: <100 chapters or 3 vols
Search by tags:
If you like this list, please click "RECOMMEND". Thank you XD
2nd list:
(If 1st list is full, i'll move older ones to my 2nd list)
Long series:

22 08,2021
Narcissistwhohatesmyself followed a list

since my list is full, you can find the recently established part 2 here:

*chefs kiss* !! Just some legit good yaoi! 

~list is in no particular order~

a bit of a shameless plugin!! :^)
DM me!! we can b friends! :)

Thanks so much for looking through my mess!

15 08,2021

If anyone knows, what are the 2 girls kinda hugging on the least panel from?

Narcissistwhohatesmyself followed question about your pets

So um,I just need some advice on which ending i should give my novel.I just started on it,and i think i need to add a twist to it,but a good ending also works,so– If you guys want a good ending,please type A with your response,and if you want a tragic ending,please type B with it,thank you!C for a neutral(there's a continuation after the neutral......

06 07,2021

I read a story really similar to this except it was straight and the mc was quite obviously the actual Saint.
I found it in this comment section and forgot to add it to my reading list.
Does anyone know what the title is?

Narcissistwhohatesmyself like the experience about caught in 4k
reasonable reaction.
Narcissistwhohatesmyself like the answer
oop- he got a wife tho but i dont mind