Mangago Confessions's experience ( All 0 )

Mangago Confessions's answer ( All 0 )

Mangago Confessions's question ( All 4 )

“ i am animalsexual “

> I think you mean ‘clinically insane.’ No, seriously, get some help.

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“ i really want someone just to come up at me and say "go kill yourself ugly ass bitch, you're worthless go slit your wrist" omfg it turns me on so much i want to suck their dick or pussy gender dont matter ”

> um... i don’t this it’s ‘kinky’ verbal abuse at that point, you just have issues you need to work out.

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“ I ate gummies thinking they were just gummies and nothing else. but then i realized they were actually vitamins- and I almost finished them all- my parents didnt suspect a thing tho. im screwed and now my stomach hurts. ”

> why’re you treating it like you downed a bottle of advil? if there’s one thing you’ve learned from that experience, it’s to read labels before shoving things in your mouth.

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“ I'm usually nice on the internet, but I want to start being more concise an absolute with my opinions. I'm going to try this out soon, wish me luck. ”

> not really a confession, but good luck.

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“ I had a crush on a real boy. I fell in love with him in first sight and we are married now :) “

> it’s concerning that you needed to specify that it was a “real boy” you fell in love with.

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08 01,2021
“ but sometimes when I see annoying little kids at the store I wonder what would happen if I just beat them to death “

> that... is not healthy. please seek help

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“ i started watching/reading yaoi/shounen ai when i was 7. i discovered it when i was searching for some animes the first yaoi/shounen ai is "junjou romantica". i am currently 11. people always tell me im too young for yaois and i know that # - . -). i like reading yaoi cuz its less exaggerated and cringey than shoujo or straight mangas/manhwas/huas. reading yaoi can also help us in the future in case we yk. though its a bit different. but i dont mix reality and what i read. thats dumb. and plus idk why yall are gatekeeping a genre like- why yall pressured? i know its wrong but we discover it. its inevitable. “

> they’re right. you are too young. i’m willing to bet it’s past your bed time. your mother probably still holds your hands when crossing the streets. go outside. play with barbies or something.

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“ I'm reading BJ Alex and Killing Stalking to understand the memes lmao “

> why would you endure that just so you can understand a bunch of F-tier memes?

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“ my parents threw away my hibernating hamster some years ago thinking it was dead and told me after i finished my art project because they were scared i would cry “

> sorry for your loss?

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“ I started watching hentai in the second grade… “

> what is with y’all? why y’all’s childhoods consist of porn and a box of tissues these days??

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08 01,2021
“ I had sex with my straight friend in the 4th grade she's straight still, but idk if she forgot about it or naw…”

> 4th? Sweetheart, i don’t think you had sex. the line between what counts as sex and what doesn’t is very blurred when you’re a 9-10 year old.

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“ I got high in church ”

> You are not seeing the pearly gates.

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“ I stole my friends crush and became friends with benefits with him without telling her just for fun “

> um... not really something to be proud of

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“ i masturbated to kurapika theme song ”

> you must have been down bad

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“ im a frankenstein of personalities. my personality, well my thoughts are so contradictory and random i’m also really fake i don’t really have empathy towards people and get bored of people easily. BUT i don’t really care enough about people to judge them. “

> it sounds like you need a therapist

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Thank’s for your submissions! Want to confess to something? Use the following Google Forums link!
08 01,2021

People are doing

did tried to kill yourself

We don't talk about it OR my future plans for this year :3

6 hours
did tried to kill yourself

Toxic thoughts, attempts have been made

9 hours
did tried to kill yourself

i should've died the times i tried but sadly i didn't

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