Toradora!'s story begins with the male protagonist Ryuuji Takasu who is frustrated at trying to look...
- Author: Takemiya Yuyuko,Zekkyou
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Harem / Romance / School Life / Shounen / Slice of Life
From MangaHelpers:Hori may seem like a normal teenage girl, but she's a completely different pe...
- Author: hero, HAGIWARA Daisuke
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shounen
Nagatoro is a freshman girl in high school who loves bullying her Senpai. But he puts up with it, ev...
- Author: 774,Nanashi
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Shounen / Slice of Life
Hino is your average high-school student. Sakuba is an amazing, talented, honor-roll student. ...
- Author: Musuaki
- Genres: Comedy / Ecchi / Romance / Supernatural
On an apparently ordinary day, Youta Tada sees somebody peculiar entering the school grounds. All of...
- Author: Okamoto Lynn
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Ecchi / Fantasy / Seinen
Hino is your average high-school student. Sakuba is an amazing, talented, honor-roll student. ...
- Author: Musuaki
- Genres: Comedy / Ecchi / Romance / Supernatural