ryu November 26, 2023 11:20 pm

I just wanna read one story like this where the fl actually divorces the ml and doesn't end up back with him just because he has a sudden interest in her.

ryu September 20, 2023 5:36 am

sigh I love slow burn like this TT I cannot wait for next chap

ryu July 21, 2023 11:50 pm

I know we all hate gyujin but tbh I dont really like jihwan either...feels like he's manipulating sooyoung to feel like he is the only one he can rely on. also when jihwan told gyujin before he just wants to "bend him over and fuck him".... definitely made me question everything. waiting for his redemption arc

    Bambooshoe July 22, 2023 11:11 pm

    But Jihwan is hot…

    elfiemouse July 22, 2023 11:40 pm

    I mean I feel like Jihwan gives bad vibes but at the same time… he hasn’t done anything bad yet.

    Yes he did say the crude thing about fucking the MC, i mean he’s a horny teenage boy, but hasn’t forced himself on him or DONE anything. I’m afraid though.

    ryu July 23, 2023 9:07 pm

    so because he is a horny teenage boy we can excuse him talking about raping our mc lol? also just because he's hot doesn't justify anything either....but I guess there's no sense in talking to Mangago yaoi readers...and lest yall forget, he did touch sooyoung when he was drunk WITHOUT his consent. Yes he didn't fuck him but he was touching all up on his chest when he was unconscious. He only stopped when sooyoung told him how gyujin forced him to suck him off. So.... yes he has done something as of yet but I can see he is improving his character so...

    elfiemouse July 23, 2023 9:28 pm

    Good point, I forgot about the drunk scene. That was bad for sure.

    I don’t think he was talking about raping Sooyoung - he just described having sex with him. I assumed he was imagining a consensual situation but idk what was going on in his head. Definitely afraid he will hurt Sooyoung once Sooyoung falls in love with him and starts fully relying on him…

    ryu July 23, 2023 9:50 pm

    I think in jihwan's mind right now, he thinks he is only using sooyoung but he's gonna end up falling for sooyoung and be unable to leave him after "using him". Sooyoung also thinks the same but has shown romantic interest in jihwan which he didn't have before.

    Bambooshoe July 23, 2023 11:51 pm
    so because he is a horny teenage boy we can excuse him talking about raping our mc lol? also just because he's hot doesn't justify anything either....but I guess there's no sense in talking to Mangago yaoi read... ryu

    I only said he‘s hot I didn’t say I support his actions what

    Bambooshoe July 23, 2023 11:58 pm
    so because he is a horny teenage boy we can excuse him talking about raping our mc lol? also just because he's hot doesn't justify anything either....but I guess there's no sense in talking to Mangago yaoi read... ryu

    But I totally agree with you he did stuff without the mc‘s consent.

    elfiemouse July 24, 2023 7:46 am
    I think in jihwan's mind right now, he thinks he is only using sooyoung but he's gonna end up falling for sooyoung and be unable to leave him after "using him". Sooyoung also thinks the same but has shown roman... ryu

    Yeah i think right now Jihwan only wants Sooyoung for his body and the thrill of the chase, but is gonna fall hard. Can’t wait to see him suffer

ryu July 21, 2023 10:37 pm

all the comments dragging Lori made me happy about no chapter

ryu July 10, 2023 9:50 am

why do I feel like Ethan may have also been teleported to the past since in this life he gained power quicker and knows how to manipulate faster as well. Almost as if he's been through this before so he knows what to do? Also because he said "Goodbye 12 year old princess" which was pretty weird considering he's 12 too. Its as if he is saying bye to this version of her since he is meeting it for the first and last time? Idk maybe its also just bad translation lol

    Angel July 10, 2023 4:14 pm

    I kinda feel that way too. But I feel like he either didn't start with full past memory or he only got them back gradually. Because he still has some child reaction that a full past memory Ethan would't have...

    ryu July 10, 2023 4:44 pm
    I kinda feel that way too. But I feel like he either didn't start with full past memory or he only got them back gradually. Because he still has some child reaction that a full past memory Ethan would't have... Angel

    that would make more sense actually and it does seem that way...I wonder what he's hiding?

    bunnibabie July 10, 2023 9:47 pm

    I peeped that too, he's also way too smart for his age with the way he is able to manipulate others including adults like his dad to get what he wants. My theory is that he is the one who brought female lead back to the past bc if you reread the older chapters where she dies he says something like "I know a way to help you" before she dies.

    Angel July 11, 2023 4:37 am
    I peeped that too, he's also way too smart for his age with the way he is able to manipulate others including adults like his dad to get what he wants. My theory is that he is the one who brought female lead ba... bunnibabie

    I agree. And something tells me it definitely have to do with the crystal he try to give her

    For the love of Yaoi*#% July 11, 2023 11:19 am
    I peeped that too, he's also way too smart for his age with the way he is able to manipulate others including adults like his dad to get what he wants. My theory is that he is the one who brought female lead ba... bunnibabie

    He had the magic stone (from FL’s “family” ) that had been missing for decades on the septire and took it off when he was trying to get her to beg him for help. Since it fell in her blood, I have a feeling he knew something like this would have happened

ryu July 9, 2023 10:31 am


ryu July 9, 2023 10:25 am

you can do topics again??

ryu July 23, 2021 12:38 am

the fact that youngmin still listens very seriously whenever gongchan tells him he's not really in love with him is so cute.

ryu July 21, 2021 8:53 pm

mf thought we would all be feeling pity for him

ryu July 16, 2021 1:23 pm

youngmin knows damn well what he's doing

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