Everyone there except ryo has been given that butterfly card or heard the name niva
Maybe the one who received the card and was supposed to be on the plane was ryos sister. She probably killed her parents and then because she was in coma they took ryo instead? I am not sure why she's in coma but she is definitely involved(Maybe she attacked ryo and ryo defended himself and before she passed out she mentioned something about niva) . Ryo is either there in her place to protect her (and find out what the hell is up with everything ) or someone messed up! (Or maybe in the end it turns out that ryo is the fucking niva lol ) also his reaction was suspicious when he heard everyone has taken the test!
I can't believe There are so many great reincarnation stories like this one and yet the one that gets an anime is
Tate no Yūsha no Nariagari -_-
That shit may be weird but it’s better than some
shield hero is actually pretty good, the one I'm surprised about getting an anime is "in another world with my smartphone" that one dont really deserve an anime
Hahah yea! But shield hero is good in the genre its in.
Thant's getting one?! WTH
Omg that's true! Totally forgot about it!
i think i completely erased the memory of it's existence from my mind
i know right...