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Plants_Hoe May 19, 2019 4:17 pm

and i oop- @ them having sex on the peed stains bed

Plants_Hoe November 28, 2018 5:39 pm

yes this is boring and cheesy, isnt it bc its too realistic?? not enough fantasy?? this is what happens in real life with gay people, with siblings and parents, they would straight up abandon their kids just because theyre gay, im glad that the big bro has come to accept em lil by lil, but lmao i wish the author would do something a bit harsh to the big bro bc im so fucking pissed at him being fucking homophobic piece of ass. im thankfull for the author for actually representing what gay ppl actually went through (though them going out on a date, hold hands and kissing in public was extremely unrealistic ngl) but im glad that the author doesnt romanticize gay people, or pair the main character with the manipulative, asshole, homophobic ass woojong instead. bc if you want that kind of story phew there are tons of em here lads. anyways gays stay winning xoxo

    Amorim November 28, 2018 9:18 pm

    Where are you from? I admit my city is more liberal than most but I mean do gays not show affection where you're from? I occasionally see them at the mall holding hands or kissing goodbye I mean, my city cannot be the only one.... right?

    Plants_Hoe November 30, 2018 5:58 pm
    Where are you from? I admit my city is more liberal than most but I mean do gays not show affection where you're from? I occasionally see them at the mall holding hands or kissing goodbye I mean, my city cannot... Amorim

    im from somewhere in asia, most asian country still havent legalize or accept lgbt, theyre literally killed and face discrimination daily in here

    Amorim November 30, 2018 6:16 pm
    im from somewhere in asia, most asian country still havent legalize or accept lgbt, theyre literally killed and face discrimination daily in here Plants_Hoe

    But I mean I have a Japanese friend who's gay. She's currently serving in the army and whatnot but when she lived there to my knowledge she did not give 2 shuts what anyone thought of her. She took pictures of them kissing in some Plaza or something but yeah I get what youre saying. When the prejudice is deep, it's harder to be that way in public but I wouldn't say it's impossible. (There are other Asian countries though where someone might beat you up for doing something like that so I guess in those it in of would be impossible)

    Plants_Hoe December 2, 2018 6:10 pm
    But I mean I have a Japanese friend who's gay. She's currently serving in the army and whatnot but when she lived there to my knowledge she did not give 2 shuts what anyone thought of her. She took pictures of ... Amorim

    yes well ofc theres some couple whod be brave and do pda, but is it a common things for gay couple in asia country? nope its not, someone could be beaten or called names for holding hands, but the point is that im just glad the author of this comic does a good representation, thats all :) but yes i understand that u mean we are progressing pretty well

Plants_Hoe's questions ( All 11 )

Plants_Hoe July 1, 2018 6:09 pm

hey jsut wondering is there any girl who smokes in here? i started smoking regularly bc of stress, i dont like the habit but it helps with my stress. just wondering is there any other who smokes bc of stress too? i know this isnt the right forum but eh

    Apollo July 1, 2018 6:18 pm

    Yeah not the right fourm

    imapotatoe July 1, 2018 6:43 pm

    I do but I always get cigarettes from others lmao I'm too broke to buy them myself

    Darkenthat July 1, 2018 6:48 pm
    Yeah not the right fourm Apollo

    There are other forums?

    Anonymous July 1, 2018 6:50 pm

    It's probably not want you want to hear, but starting to smoke, as a coping mechanism for stress isn't wise. Even if you smoke for a short time period, it has lasting negative consequences on your health. Better to quit NOW and find a better way to deal with your stress that tackles the route cause, than to find yourself in 40 years time, having to rely on medical equipment to help you breath and having wasted so much money on tobacco for such a "priviledge".

    Anonymous July 1, 2018 6:54 pm
    Yeah not the right fourm Apollo

    Yeah fuck off and go back to masturbating to 2d guys Apollo

    Anonymous July 1, 2018 6:55 pm

    By the way you should find other healthy ways for your stress because you will only end up sick and addicted to smoking

    Kin July 1, 2018 7:14 pm

    is this alin

    『 cofefe 』 July 1, 2018 7:18 pm

    ive tried smoking out of curiosity. i actually liked it. but i still dont really smoke. id say probably once a month lol. there are more ways to cope w stress. i hope you can find the one for you soon. goodluck.

    idzia July 1, 2018 7:32 pm

    I do smoke occasionally but never out of stress, when I'm stressed out I do sports, sewing, drawing... (whatever feels better than smoking). In the other hand when I am chilling with friends I can't restrain myself from smoking :(

    ermar July 1, 2018 7:37 pm

    i do. i started smoking on my last year in high school due to stress and now it has become a habit (well a bad habit but anyway).

    Nonni July 1, 2018 8:05 pm

    I smoked during University, Djarum clove cigs, but I stopped when it turned out I was asthmatic

Plants_Hoe May 8, 2018 8:17 pm

is there any mcu doujin in here? (or from other site that would be cool too!) i was looking under the avenger tags but couldnt find any esp the steve bucky ship, thank u!

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