I think the man with black hair is the father. I'm not sure because when I saw the color of the man's pants I went back to the chapter and then I saw that they were three of them has a same color which is black so I thought it was the man with the black hair or not idk...
i think it's the black haired guy. first of all he's the omega's first love and they seem to have a little something in the past. the skintone matches the guy and also the pants. the way he talks is different from jay and the blonde because he sounds stern and just formal. it can't be the chef cause to me he looks like a nobody. im thinking that after the omega fell down, the black haired volunteered to take him home bc he's the only one with the car. the blonde said he'll stay and wait for his manager so it can't be him. the jay guy's personality doesn't match the one's in the panel where the omega and suspect are having sex.
Can someone please tell me what chapter of this in the novel I'm confused