Kuroyakusoku February 2, 2017 7:12 pm

Bum's completely fucked.
Hopefully in both ways.

Kuroyakusoku January 20, 2017 4:30 pm

prayinG prAyING pRaYInG that this whole scenario wasn't a dream (/_;)

Kuroyakusoku January 16, 2017 7:31 pm

I love this so much but I'm honestly questioning how he's going to live with two gods who would do practically anything to get in his pants, a gay best friend who clearly has strong feelings for him, and an unlucky god who seems to have developed feelings for him too.

Fuck it, we all know the solution to this... A fivesome wink wonk ( ° ʖ °)

    travestyv January 16, 2017 10:30 pm

    the wink wonk is my fav part

Kuroyakusoku January 15, 2017 2:24 pm

Honestly, I don't understand why they can't make up and be friends or perhaps something more that may or may not be fujoshi fuel. I like the build up, but it's really frustrating and seems to have no end. Why can't they just love eachother and mend poor little Jun's broken heart?

    dudewhatswrong January 15, 2017 2:46 pm

    omg I totally get what you mean. This feels a little like one of those Korean soap operas where people are just full of misunderstanding that can easily be solved but somehow can;t. I think it may be linked to their pride and all... But then it's true that Kang Jun acted like a total prick to him.... I mean I think he's stupid to think that a drunk person forgetting things is his fault when Kang Jun himself made the choice to do shit with a drunk person you know?

    Kuroyakusoku January 16, 2017 7:24 pm
    omg I totally get what you mean. This feels a little like one of those Korean soap operas where people are just full of misunderstanding that can easily be solved but somehow can;t. I think it may be linked to ... dudewhatswrong

    Yeah, I understand what you're saying completely. The characters are a little off in their own little ways but I think that's what helped the build up. Jun held onto his feelings for Siwon for a very long time and I, personally, can understand how frustrating it feels to be pushed away no matter how hard you try. I can't really see why he'd think that Siwon would remember the whole ordeal after his drunken state, though. I suppose he got 'lost in the moment' or something? It doesn't really help when he blames the loss of memory on poor Siwon, either. Although, I can kind of see why. All of Siwon's homophobic crap and his amazing little speeches that land him into even more trouble are beginning to annoy me, so I can't even begin to imagine how Jun feels. I really hope they at least make up in the next chapter ;-;

Kuroyakusoku January 14, 2017 9:27 pm

This reminds me of Warrior Cats... But Warrior Dogs. The plot seems interesting!

Kuroyakusoku January 14, 2017 9:17 pm

I honestly don't know whether or not this is going to be a good manga or lowkey confusing. Don't get me wrong, I love it so far, but for some reason, I'm anticipating the yaoi to hit us all when we least expect it lmao.

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