I'm so confused.... can someone explain the love triangle to me? Im very bad with names so describe them please like blue eyes, blue eyes' lover, main guy, main guy lover, etc.

Regards to the middle pannel.
The guy in the middle likes the guy on the right.
The guy on the right likes the guy on the left.
The guy on the left likes the guy in the middle.

The main guy of the last few chapters, big, short dark hair, let's call him A, loves B - the uke light-haired cop, who is one of the primary two characters of the whole series and who already has a lover. The main guy A slept with the big blond bartender C. C is madly in love with a coworker, the freckled kid D. Freckles D has a huge crush on A, who doesn't know it. C sleeps with A , knowing that he is Freckle's D's crush, a Shitty jealous thing to do. C now urgently doesn't want A to let on that he did this shitty thing of sleeping with A, the guy freckles has a crush on and has had a crush on for a long time. Does that help?

I just finished rereading this and I don't know why I do this to myself because I always go on an emotional rollercoaster but why is it that I IMMEDIATLY start to cry after heeno asks tiger aerik (if I spelled that wrong I'm sorry!)how he felt when he saw heeno cheating that face makes me cry I'm still wiping tears
I'm not even angry anymore I'm just sad... so sad
┗( T﹏T )┛