Plot: This manga's story is based on a thriller by Keigo Higashino. The main protagonist, the shy Ju...
- Author: higashino keigo,Mase Motoro
- Genres: Action / Adult / Psychological / Seinen
”Is it okay to kill people?"A treacherous revenge suspense by Shiryu Nakatake, a newcomer to Bessa...
- Author: Nakatake shiryuu
- Genres: Drama / Psychological / Thriller
The manga centers on homicide detective Hiroki Dan, the son of a former police superintendent genera...
- Author: Koga kei,Izawa ryo
- Genres: Psychological / horror / mystery
It seems like there's something about the guy from the head office?With the rumors preading aro...
- Author: Niyama
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life
From Good Girls Scan BL:Taishin has moved away from his hometown, Fukuoka, to a university in Tokyo ...
- Author: Suzumaru minta
- Genres: Yaoi
Before transferring to New York, Nogi Shinjiro confessed to his crush, Aoyama Yuki, and was rejected...
- Author: NIGARI Shio
- Genres: Yaoi
Yeo Eui Joon, who works at a convenience store frequented by gangsters, wants to quit as soon as pos...
- Author: 945
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
Akiha came to Tokyo to attend school, but on his first day, he's molested on a crowded train. S...
- Author: Suehiro Machi
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / supernatural
Renta: Company-man Sakuraba makes himself cute lunches every day, reads girls' comics, and generally...
- Author: Hanakawa chito
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Yaoi / Romance / Slice of Life Japanese Manga Romance Slice of Life
Satoru spends his days listlessly in a factory town. The old man Segawa, a former Yakuza, lives in t...
- Author: takahashi tsutomu
- Genres: Action / Drama / Psychological / Seinen / Tragedy
This is a story of a group of college-age people who struggle with gender and sexual identity. Yuki ...
- Author: Minenami Ryo
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Seinen
This is a story of a group of college-age people who struggle with gender and sexual identity. Yuki ...
- Author: Minenami Ryo
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Seinen
[From Omanga]:A coming-of-age story from Jiro Matsumoto (the author of Freesia) about a young, aspir...
- Author: Matsumoto Jiro
- Genres: Adult / Historical / Mature / Psychological / Romance / Seinen
Fuwa Masaki suffers from an extreme shyness that forces him to keep an unnecessary distance away fro...
- Author: Kuroda kurota
- Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Romance
From Exiled Rebels ScansSegawa Kotarou loves bonsai more than anything. He loves just reading about ...
- Author: MINADUKI Yuu
- Genres: Romance / Slice of Life / Yaoi