I miss this manga so much is there any more updates

If you mean translated chapters, no. But if you mean to ask if this manga is still ongoing, than yes. The raws are currently at chapter 13.
Raws here:
If you want to read series spoilers, try the spoiler thread here:
I haven't updated it in a while, but you can always ask for more spoilers if you want them.

This is a sample of lacking communications in relationship type of people. Only making assumptions on each other. ML urgh c'mon. Don't tell me you didn't send the dresses to her because you thought she only likes dull attire wtf

I think he sent the dresses to her but someone steals them before they reach her (because his family bullies her). Then he sees she never wears the dresses he buys her and only wears dull clothing. Naturally, he assumes she just likes those clothes better than what he buys her. That's just my guess though :)
I don't like awkward drawings but this is fun