The translation is perfect! Please the person who is uploading fan translation keep going!!! And the jujucat needs to watch her/his mouth! "Proper translation" - the nerve
The fucking jujucat is a pussy, who hides by blocking people, without giving them chance to respond!
It's still doesn't change what I said prior, it's an oblivious response to a firsthanded issue that you guys created!
I don't care about [email protected] website
Jujucat "proper translation", you still didn't respond, are you guarantee that we will get 9 chapters in 4 weeks!?
Jujucat, why are you bringing bullshit about who started translationon on a illegal website?! How this even related to the fact, that we will be fucked for months until 9 chapters will come out, because your highness decided to bring "proper translation" lol? The last chapter by you was uploaded in March and now it's almost September. Take accountability, instead of hiding behind blocking/removing conversations
Go touch a treadmill and alongside upload 9 chapters of "proper translation", that you claimed! Instead running from conversation and hiding behind blocking lol Goody two shoes take a seat and look at your high maity attitude first! Like little rat you are! Giving snorky responses and HIDING AGAIN BEHIND BLOCKING
I’m going to be entirely honest, perfect is a stretch. While I do appreciate the fan translators efforts there's alot of dialogue that don’t match the raws and there’s a good bit of grammatical errors because they attempted to use more difficult words {For foreigners} that don’t add up to the tone of things. When Juju said proper he didn’t mean bad, I believe he just meant more understandable.
It's perfect for shitty ass manha, come on people! You won't loose a story line with few grammar or lexical mistakes, it's not a Shakespeare for God shake... and now we stuck for months until it will catch up. And for the person with " proper translation" should know better how proper to explain himself/herself, without people misunderstanding
Anyone who wants to read it in English. There is up to chapter 36
Thank you for your service
Lol anytime