Can someone remind me who tf was like the fallen angel and the godess whatever they are?? I forgot???
I read like maybe only 75 stories and i NEVER remember any of the key points

She's not really a goddess but a fallen angel. While the magic used by the pope and priests from the church comes from the deity and his *loyal* angels. The purifier's healing power, on the other hand, comes apparently from a fallen angel who betrayed the deity and the other angels and joined their enemies, the demons. The magic of the five elemental mages connected to the purifier, in turn, comes from the demons themselves.
It seems that there's either a legend or a repetitive cycle that everyone knows about, which establishes that at a given time there are supposed to emerge six individuals connected to one another due to having the powers of the fallen angel and her demon allies: one purifier and five unique and powerful "demonic" mages who are human but possess demon magic to manipulate the elements. However, the mages' magic has lethal side effects and they depend on the purifier's "healing" powers to help them survive those side effects. Out of the five mages, four mages are each able to control one of the four elements, while the fifth mage can manipulate all the elements controlled by the other four. Being as unique and powerful as they are, the mages may be feared by rulers and kings, who try to impose their control on them, and they're also feared and hated due to having the powers of a fallen angel and her demon friends. The ones who hate them the most are the followers of the deity and angels (who were the fallen angel and her demons' enemies), in other words the members of the church, and within the church, the priests and the head of the church, the pope.
Sounds like a very bad version of a pick me up girl