G0ldshiregal did ( All 1 )

things u do when ur sad

G0ldshiregal's experience ( All 0 )

G0ldshiregal's answer ( All 4 )

about question
Damn i look hot   reply
26 04,2021
Sad demon girl Tried to make it look like me   reply
18 04,2021
28 01,2021
I used to cut up worms and feed it to my venus fly trap plant. I know... kinda fucked up   reply
28 01,2021
Smuttt   reply
05 01,2021

G0ldshiregal's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did explain your username

when i was younger i behaved like a crazy person so my friends added mad to my last name as a nickname so i shortened it to maden

3 minutes
did fall for a same sex person

She was my best friend, but also my first same sex crush. I'll prob nvr get over the heartbreak of finding out she was my number 1 hater :(

1 hours
did explain your username

A combination of of my real name, I wanna change it so bad cause I was really young choosing that dumb username now it cringes me out so bad

1 hours