sb07 created a topic of Wish to Say Farewell

fl is fucking dumb im dropping this someone spoil because i want to know what happens to jay

seems really cheesy at this point

sb07 answered question about being a fucking edgelord
if you tell me what grade youre in i might be able to help (only after i do my 10 missing assignment ofc)
sb07 created a topic of The Taming of The Tyrant

these past few chapters have got me on the edge of my seat

sb07 created a topic of I Don't Love You Anymore
sb07 followed a goer
16 05,2021
sb07 created a topic of Who Can Define Popularity?

is that Daun beating someone up

sb07 created a topic of Beatrice
sb07 created a topic of Dictatorship

im confused but i understand at the same time?

sb07 created a topic of Carrier Falcon Princess

these comments are good so ima read it

sb07 created a topic of Park Hanhoo's Manager

waiittt i wanna see chansol's reply

sb07 answered question about unpopular opinion
my brain needs to change its batteries
sb07 answered question about how to sleep
stooppp i think about the characters for like 1 hour after while staring at my walls or when i read like a phycological manga i literally cant think of anything else for the next 3 days