y'll say that this manga is full of bullshit and toxic reliationship especially for the characters all i can say is dont read it and get the out all over here and get lost u piece of shit this manga is better than ur future u know

Exactly, these people are just fucking snowflakes and don't know how to read a story. They read with their eyes and not with their eyes, hearts and minds so that's why they don't understand the story at all. These snowflakes are way to young to even know what the hell a toxic relationship it. Keith is a good man who needed to grow because of the way he was raised up he became a shitty person but he is growing now and he is deeply in love with Yeonwoo. He's a changed man and he even shed tears, begging Yeonwoo to not leave him. Keith needed to grow and he is doing that. These people are stupid as fuck to think he is toxic and that Yeonwoo should leave him. They both love eachother so "get the fuck over it and go read a Dr. Seuss book if you're going to be that fucking sensitive over a story" is what I say.

Children who are underage but want to read adult stories must just say stupid things, which is more confusing they remain in stories like this than reading stories suitable for their age...such a brat, people's like them really ruined my mood have fun with the story... This why I hate narrow minded person who can't make the difference between fictional story, if they that hate create their own manga/manhwa...i want to know the results are better than this story or not.... This why I hate replied a brat they're don't know how to use their brain well ... *sigh* This is how parasites even already told to go stick and make bad mood

After hearing that a piece of crucial information hasn’t been put in the manhwa yet I’ll kind of be a little mad if it won’t be at all. Because apparently I heard that in the original novel, Keith has his own POV that’s not given in the manhwa. And this POV clears everything up and shows us that everything we thought we knew about Keith is not the real truth. After hearing a little bit about it, I honestly feel a little different way about him and can understand his side of things a little bit. But I need to really read his side to fully understand it. BUT I AM IN NO WAY JUSTIFYING WHAT HE HAS DONE. (Because I know someone will say I am). I honestly feel like he should be in all his emotions in the situation way better than he did. Hopefully the mangaka can add it in however I heard that we only have 3 to 5 chapters left in the story so I don’t know if they’re going to add again but it is a crucial part of the story so I think that they should but we don’t know. But I would not mind if they coparented because I think that it is a better solution and the child deserves to have both parents in their life especially as someone who had to deal with a few years of their dad being absent in jail because of stupid reasons. But if they end up together I think that therapy could help them work out a good relationship.

yeah exactly first thing i understand side of keith i know how he feel when he lost someone love the sadness he keep turn to a anger so thats how he treat yeonwoo like that because that the only way keep someone he love it may be selfish but thats because he cant control he's emotion.....like us i know is kinda bad but we cant control our emotion like keith because we afraid that we lose someone .
lately im in good mood but now when i read this ambot nalng yawa