We’re working on translating the chapters as fast as possible, please be patient. It takes a lot of time (and money) to buy chapters, and clean and translate them, and we do it for free (and some kind donations to enable us to buy more Raws to work on) if a translation is shared and isn’t very good, people also complain, you can’t have everything.
We’re working on translating the chapters as fast as possible, please be patient. It takes a lot of time (and money) to buy chapters, and clean and translate them, and we do it for free (and some kind donations to enable us to buy more Raws to work on) if a translation is shared and isn’t very good, people also complain, you can’t have everything.
Take your time, it’s worth the wait for good translations!
Thanks! I think the latest one might be another group/person which is why I’m requesting patience. We’re working on it, and haven’t dropped it