i hate that i can't let go of the violence at the beginning, because it's the most wierd and ackward couple- yet so cute ,,,,, the red hair guy alien is just STUPID he doesn't know how to be a human it's hilarious why is he sayinf he is taking the other to his planet without consulting him and thinking “he is gonna love it hehehe”

wow I loved how difficult their relationship was for both of them to accept, it had both slow burn and angst but in the end it felt so real, it was obvious that given the circumstances they were not going to fall in love immediately, they got used to each other and accepted that, mosf of the story was them being in a situationship and it was great
MAKES ME SICK HOW MUCH THE BLACK HAIR GUY LOVES THE OTHER, WTF THE HIGHEST STANDARD i love theemm even if its angsty btw the sex scenes are way too romantic got me kicking