harada has literally never failed to make me sick to my fucking stomach, this time included. like the absolute sadistic genius that goes into their works leaves me feeling nauseous but also impacted heavily. when i read this story for the first time i was way too young to understand how nuanced this story is and now that i've re-read it all i can do is sob. watching momo's breakdown really struck a chord within me because it not only reminded me of how momo's mother failed him, but also how society failed his mom. now that is absolutely no excuse to pimp your own CHILD out to grown men and ignore his MOLESTATION, but the complexity of it makes me sick to my stomach that much more. momo's mother is a godawful woman who doesn't deserve to be forgiven but she was a child raising a child. harada will probably never fail to evoke emotions from be, be them good or bad.