The main protagonist is a selfish and unrelatable person. She ignores and doesn't appreciate the hard work her dad puts into cooking, doesn't care about other people and is overly dramatic and straight up ugly on the inside.
Also, the character designs are boring. Pretty, but boring. You could forget the faces of the girl and the phone -turned- guy in a matter of seconds because honestly, there is nothing memorable about them.
All in all, I find it horrible. There is no discernible plot either.
Uh well clearly the dad ain't a good person either. If you can manage to completely forget your daughter's birthday as well as the day you ex wife died there's an issue. She might be selfish but there's only six chapters we don't even know why her relationship with her father is bad. As for everything else, it may be valid criticism - like the art style is amazing but there's no unique quirk to most characters, or that the plot is straight up non existent. I just don't think we can label her traits bad without knowing the background. Obviously if someone is rude irl, your not obliged to find out why but this is a story.
That's why at the end I said, "obviously if someone is rude (or ig selfish) irl, your not obliged to find out why but this is a story." To expand on that you have no reason take bs from random people but this is a narrative surrounding this character. If we don't establish her traits now then she can't even grow as a character. There's no point of a character arc if they don't change. What's the fun is seeing a good person from start to finish?
The thing is a protagonist doesn't have to be all friendly and nice to be loveable, for example L from deathnote is far from being the Samaritan but he is the protagonist who bring life to the story and people love him! In the case this manhwa well she's an impulsive teen and I think the way she is portrayed may not be idealistic but realistic but it's still enjoyable, yes she selfish but there's no said-rule a protagonist can't be and she also have a situation we don't know yet.
In general human make mistake, we're not perfect, she's like us and it's make her more relatable.
What kind of scumbag writes this? Demeaning and reducing women to nothing more than sex objects. I want to throw up just reading this