Have you ever spotted an actual kid in this site? Like you go to their account to follow them or sum and instantly knew it was probably owned by a kid, or you saw a comment somewhere and knew instantly a kid was probably the one who made it? Idk I keep seeing ppl telling kids/minors to get off this site, just curious if ya’ll actually spotted one......
The day after my suicide, I fell in love with my mother when I saw her crying on the floor of my room, hugging my bloody shirt with my photos scattered around her, I saw so much Love in her eyes! The day after my suicide, I felt how much my father loved me, no matter how hard it was, In the midst of so much sadness, he spoke to me with tears in hi......
So I'm into dark, horror, mystery and angst stories, but preferably the ones that also contain lots of psychology. I thought I would've at least slightly liked Obey Me, but in a matter of chapters I was really weirded out by the captor who was out of his mind but in a "ridiculous" way. I dropped it, since I didn't like the characters, the plot or ......
v basic info v
pronouns : any / no preferred pronouns
read and complain
Fill in the blanks plz
I like drinking straight lemon juice it tastes really good by itself to me. Also fresh raspberries on top of fried chicken. They compliment each other and bring out each other’s flavors, but most people don’t believe me and don’t wanna even try it. Also toast, cream cheese, and jelly sandwiches are the best! Literally just tastes like eatin......
i need inspiration
Put ur name here and get urself a character here ️ https://en.shindanmaker.com/1010405 And create ur character here️ https://picrew.me/image_maker/43383 And well....yes show me if u wanna hha xD I will put mine below