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Manhwafindwr July 14, 2023 5:08 pm

Best 4 komma Manga ever omg

Manhwafindwr April 5, 2021 3:37 am


Manhwafindwr's questions ( All 3 )

Manhwafindwr March 16, 2021 10:36 pm

Omg thank fucking lord its back up I legit freaked out a bit Hahha

Manhwafindwr February 28, 2021 3:24 am

Tell me your story. How has it affected you?

    Cassie February 28, 2021 3:25 am

    Haha nope my story is that I realized I was Aromantic *because* my hearts never been broken lmao

    Yaoi_Girl February 28, 2021 3:48 am

    May contain spoilers for the movie











    The Violet Evergarden movie where she finally reunites with Major Gilbert. And, as she was leaving the island, Gilbert ran after her and told her that he loves her. But, she couldn't say it back because she was choking on her words while crying. The reason why I was heartbroken was because it never showed her saying "I love you" back to him. Was crying for 3 hours straight.


    ladenza February 28, 2021 3:50 am

    got my heart broken when we weren’t even together in the first place plsssssss anyways after that whole incident I now classify as a bisexual clown

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