I escape reality everyday's feed

Damn I'm absolutely IN LOVE WITH THIS !!!!!!! I've never read anything like this before and It's done so well like omfg the fact that I started crying at some point??? Amazing. I literally can't wait to know what will happen next and what will become of our main characters and how the rest of the story will go but... I have a feeling.. this ain't gonna end well. Hopefully I'll be wrong though
edit: man ... I love this so much I started reading the raws It's the first ever story I've ever hunt the raws for !! Like before this no matter how interested I am in a story I just wait patiently for the updates but for this one boy I'm restless. Thank goodness I'm not totally illiterate in Japanese and can get the gist of what's happening
edit 2: hello it's me yet again. I can't stop talking about how much I love this story like someone fr need to get my phone away from me at this point. Bro the way author just makes our two current main characters get along SO well and be all cute with each other while having this MASSIVE feeling of void?? distance??? Between them??? IT'S JUST SO GREAT UGHHHH they're so close yet there's this invisible wall between them that they do not acknowledge but they KNOW it's there and they just kept ignoring it and kept staying by each other's side !!!!!! TEARS FLOWING DOWN MY FACE HELPP I LOVE ITTTTT