PSI: this statement is not supposed to be rude, sorry if it comes off like that, I suck at making my tone clear when I’m writing. | BPOC = black person of color
I can understand that sometimes it gets annoying to see people talk about something that happened awhile ago that’s understandable it’s going to happen tho, unfortunately. With that being said if they aren’t being disrespectful towards the readers and are simply respectfully voicing their opinions then y’all have nothing to get mad about, it’s easy to simply ignore them. You don’t have to make a big deal out of their statement or attack them.
If they were being rude first or spouting a whole bunch of nonsense & attacking other people who choose to read the story then that’s a different case scenario. - I could care about the chapter at this point, I already moved on, however, I understand why another BPOC haven't and to me, it’s not that big of a deal, there were several issues with the chapter that aren’t something we can all always easily forget & move on about, especially when people who aren’t educated completely on the said topic might think that behavior in some format is normal.
If the person is being respectful then simply ignore them & let them voice their ideals or thoughts about the chapter especially if they’re BPOC. If the person is being rude & attacking other readers then I really don’t care about what y’all say to the MF, people like that get on my nerves, actually a lot of things get on my nerves eh.