Uknow when Yuri and jaerim photo was exposed, then dunno was it? Who asked kang sunbae to kiss him? What happened to kang sunbae.....did I miss smt
No wonder the are both hot .....hehe.....but Giovanni I still prefer Giovanni (-_-;)♡(> ਊ <)♡
We all know that they had a big misunderstanding. Like kang did not even try to investigate and stuff. I still feel like kang shouldn't be forgiven. But they do look good together. I hope kang doesn't hurt joo heon anymore...(。ŏ﹏ŏ)
Me freaking out everytime Brother Hal ( ꈍᴗꈍ).
Like he was a cute cinnamon, and now a burning hot cheeto....cough...half-choking
I'm fineಥ‿ಥ