Bee created a topic of The Problematic Prince

his actions and words don't match .. URGH so frustrating I feel really bad for erna

Bee created a topic of The Problematic Prince

I know the prince is a shitty but sure does love the fl. At the same time most ppl said that the fl is weak well ig, but she kinda knows that the prince married her not for I'll see this out?

Bee followed a goer

i swear i don't just read bl i read other stuff too

04 08,2021
Bee followed a goer
04 08,2021
Bee created a topic of Dragon's First Crush

Well~ it's Not wrong to say that Blair looks more HOTTER WHEN HES mAD ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱

Bee created a topic of Yours to Claim

So can you just tell himmm???? That you likee himme..plsssssss....←_←

Bee created a topic of Love Shuttle


Bee created a topic of Silent Lover

'lord' you better take care of him plsss....I'm giving you a chance here....(╥﹏╥)

Bee created a topic of Sura's Lover

I'm thinking of what the situation is right now.....¯_(⊙_ʖ⊙)_/¯

Bee created a topic of Black Lotus

Chp 65.....yesss get dat biichh...half the chapter "iM nOt hiS SpOUsE" thennn.....chp 66...." ThAts HIm MAsTer wEn " bitchh? My patience is running low ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯

Bee created a topic of Mayday mayday mayday!

Biotch.....grab his head hahahaha

Claim her u idiot......(╬☉д⊙)⊰⊹

Bee created a topic of For My Weirdo

First I was like ooooo new chaptersss eeeeeek.......and then when I continue reading.....hmmmm ok ok......and then THIS HAPPEN......excuse meeee I was happy about the chapter but THIS......(ᗒᗩᗕ)

Bee created a topic of The Voice Next Door

I wish I had what siwon and jaehyun have.... honestly..... bestie like them....ahhhhh

Bee created a topic of Men of The Harem

Rooting for u guard sir....get her.....even though the harem is not bad....buttt( ꈍᴗꈍ)let's go Sir guardddd(forgot his name)

Bee created a topic of Love Me Dramatically

He's willing to be bottom.....cri tooo cute✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Bee created a topic of Cocoon of the Heart

Rereading this is nice.....reminding me of how everyone has hardships and we need each other to overcome it. (。•ᴗ-)✧