huh???? it just ended like that??? wow what horrible pacing….. gives you no satisfaction… and nothing really happened to the crown princess either?? she just lost some assets and is a little lower ranked?? how did she switch from being so weird and twisted to quiet and remorseful so quickly….. lame….

i think it’s fine and it makes sense for the MC to be like this. She’s lived a whole lifetime stressed and anxious trying not to make any mistakes and stifling her own feelings for the sake of the novel, where she was clearly being treated like shit for most of it as well. This isn’t really something you can immediately move past and grow from.
She’s had no real stability for years and has been living in survival mode that entire time. But from ch. 43 we can see maybe she’s finally starting to change now that she has a safe place with Xion.

the fact that it's a reasonable outcome is not why we don't like it. it's bc there's many different ways that someone who went through the same thing could react and end up but this weak, stupid and brainless way is the only one showed by any rewinding fl. bc she's a girl so she's weak and a damsel in distress.
for every 100 story with a weak fl there are only 3 stories with a strong fl that went through similar if not worse trauma.
that's what's annoying, on top of her being stupid and blind
this story is not hard to follow at all. i think you guys are just kind of dumb