I had been sleepy when I start reading it but then PAGE 3 SLAPPED ME AND IT ESCALATE SO QUICKLY I WAS LIKE "WHOAAA! I AM RIDING A ROLLER COASTER!' ... and now I am wide awake
(⊙…⊙ ) I had been sleepy when I start reading this but then PAGE 3 SLAPED ME AND THEN IT ESCALATED SO QUICKLY TO NAUGHTY PART AND I WAS LIKE 'WHOAAA I AM RIDING A ROLLER COASTER!' ... and now I am wide awake
Dai is not the only one who anticipate your performance, Aoki, we all do. But dont let that makes you nervous, my fujoshi instinct told me that you, my cutie neko, will be absolutely kawaii in bed. After all, your excitement has exceeded my expectation. (≧∀≦)
Oh My God! UPDATE!
Havent even read it but I am so excited!