Jun was such a cutie and when he came to the island it wasn’t like he was a spoiled rich kid, which pissed me off when Natsumi called him one. Jun IS an accomplished, over worked, businessman who was legit forced somewhere unknown and lost all his belongings. It made me upset that he was forced to work and Natsumi was such an asshole to him. The worst part is Jun was relatively capable of everything when it came to cleaning and such (minus the one scene where we see he isn’t a good cook). Like. I’m sorry. Natsumi going from the tsundare jerk to the cute lover was NOT fulfilling to me at all. Jun deserved MUCH better.
Also, all the people saying others didn’t like it because there was no rape need to simmer down. I ADORE fluffy stories and hate rape heavy stuff. This story just had an awful love interest. Which was disappointing too, since the art and Jun were literally perfect.